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DIY Amateur Rocketry

A curated list of resources for DIY rocket enthusiasts, covering a wide range of topics from software and hardware projects to educational resources and safety guidelines.

Open Source Projects​


  • OpenRocket - A free, full-featured model rocket simulator allowing design and simulation of rockets.
  • RocketPy - Next-generation high-power rocket six-degree-of-freedom trajectory simulation.
  • openMotor - Open-source internal ballistics simulator for rocket engine experimenters.
  • SCpp - Library implementing various optimal control algorithms tailored for aerospace applications (rocket landing model).
  • AeroVECTOR - Model rocket simulator designed for the design and tuning of active control systems, whether it's TVC, active fin control, or parachute deployment algorithms on passively stable rockets.
  • RX1 - Core element is a powerful message passing system making logging, telemetry, and development easier.
  • RASAero - Software package combining aerodynamic analysis and flight simulation suitable for model rockets, high-power rockets, amateur rockets, and sounding rockets.
  • ThrustCurve - An online resource providing rocket motor and engine data for simulation and design.
  • FlightClub - Tool for simulating rocket launches and orbits, suitable for those interested in rocket trajectory dynamics. Website
  • KSP (Kerbal Space Program) Mods - While KSP itself is not open-source, its extensive modding community offers many open-source projects allowing players to design and test their own rockets.
  • SpaceCAD - Rocket design and simulation software helping users design their own rockets and predict their performance.
  • NASA Open Source Software - A range of open-source software provided by NASA for spacecraft design and simulation, also applicable to DIY rocket projects.
  • Rocket Motor Load Cell Tester - Tool for measuring rocket engine thrust.
  • MORGAN - Model rocket guidance and control (PIO + ESP32).


  • uHoubolt - Small, lightweight ethanol/N2O liquid rocket that has flown successfully.
  • Tejas-Rocket-Flight-Computer - Autonomous thrust vector control rocket with landing capability using Apollo-era equivalent power components. Thrust Vector Control Rocket
  • Hephaestus - Thrust vector control rocket.
  • OSREngines - Open-source rocket engines.
  • SPECTRA - Solid propellant laboratory test stand designed to measure and analyze the performance of solid rocket motors. Documentation
  • RocketNavigator - Captures data from model rockets using RPI and transmits real-time GPS coordinates to prevent loss.
  • RocketPi - Raspberry Pi project for rocket telemetry, collecting data from various sensors during rocket flights.
  • Arduino Rocket Controller - An Arduino-based project for controlling model rockets with ignition, deployment, and telemetry capabilities.
  • Open Source Rocket Avionics - Provides open-source avionics systems for rockets, including flight control, data logging, and telemetry.
  • Rocketduino - An Arduino-based open-source rocket electronics project focused on creating reliable rocket flight data loggers.
  • rocketry - Stuff for rockets (amateur rocketry). Primarily based on Arduino.

Educational Resources​

  • NASA’s Rocketry 101 - Introduces the basics of rocket science, including how rockets work.
  • The Rocketry Forum - A large discussion forum covering various aspects of rocketry, suitable for beginners and advanced enthusiasts.
  • Rocket Propulsion Elements by George P. Sutton - A classic textbook on rocket propulsion technology.
  • Introduction to Rocket Science and Engineering by Travis S. Taylor - Provides a comprehensive introduction to rocket science and engineering for beginners.

Materials and Components​

Communities and Forums​


  • "Handbook of Model Rocketry" by G. Harry Stine and Bill Stine - A comprehensive guide to model rocketry, considered by many as the bible of the hobby.
  • "Modern High-Power Rocketry 2" by Mark Canepa - An in-depth look into high-power rocketry, covering advanced topics for serious enthusiasts.


This list is a starting point for DIY rocket enthusiasts to find resources, share knowledge, and collaborate on projects. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced rocketeer, there's something here for everyone interested in the art and science of rocketry.